Filling the sealing cylinders and the pressing of raw linters
For further chemical processing, the linter is loaded into perforated stainless steel cylinders and compacted into compact blocks
With the help of a transport fan, the lint is fed into the separator, where the lint transported is pneumatically separated from the air and washed off with water. Raw lint in the pulper breaks down greatly with the fluf er «Tornado».
From the crusher, the raw linter pulp is moved to the collection pool and diluted with dark water. From the collection pool it enters the cleaning cyclone from heavy substances (sand, stones) and released through the gateway. Next, the suspension of raw lint, freed from heavy mud particles in the cyclone, passes through the fi st machine for loosening the fiber bundles, the defl cker, which feeds the pool and is transported by machines for shortening the fib rs, then enters into a mass pool. The cleaning of linter pulp from contaminants, such as seed particles, parts of bolls and stem residues, occurs in a four-stage hydrocyclone cleaning unit. From the mass pool diluted suspension of the raw linter is transported to the purification plan .